Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rooted Treasures

Today was a day in which I had to have some deep rooted treasures..............homemade tortillas and chile (salsa).

I grew up by some rather primitive means so making tortillas by the time I was 10 was family custom and in our family, it was defining. Anything less was not acceptable so my mom made sure I knew how to make tortillas.

I remember mom telling me, "you're going to get a hole in your stomach for being chiflada malagradecida (spoiled unappreciative)" because I would eat chile on my tortillas rather than beans or anything besides just chile. She would say it hoping to put some fear in me but mainly to remind me that it was more important to teach me to make the most of what I had and not be ungrateful.

Thank goodness I did not throw out my molcajete, just like mom had. We did not mess with blenders when I was growing up-those were for making drink shakes or the chili pod sauces for Menudo and Caldos (soups) or the thicker sauces that required heavy duty pulsing.  

I am grateful to God that I am still enjoying delicious treasures from my early years. My childhood lessons live on. 
Back then, it was hard to see that those little things would be my deep rooted treasures. Today, I will have it no other way!

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